The maestro session itself will then focus on the quality of the story to ensure relevance to the readers.
This unit is part of a through system to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the evidence it produces.
Research centres may have a board with external representation to ensure practical relevance of research strategy.
Administrative - through appropriate implementation and institutional mechanisms, policymakers can ensure continued relevance and effectiveness of investment policies.
To ensure continued relevance and engagement with activists and the academic community the Project also undertakes comparative research to advance an understanding of the right to education.
Current developments are taking place to ensure relevance and suitability for the UK.
To oversee quality assurance and expansion of university education ensuring sustainability, affordability and relevance.
Practitioners of public humanities are invested in ensuring the accessibility and relevance of the humanities to the general public or community groups.
Negotiations occur over wording to ensure accuracy, balance, clarity of message, and relevance to understanding and policy.
To again ensure accessibility and relevance, cultural art centers were located in their immediate community.