Fees are normally highly affordable to reflect financial constraints, and are charged on a monthly basis at a flat rate to ensure predictability of costs.
For parents, this agreement ensures stability and predictability for family schedules throughout the rest of the school year.
Logical and factual criticism is generally considered important to ensure the consistency, authenticity and predictability of behavior of any kind.
In short, to the degree that LAUNCHcast's playlists are uniquely created for each user, that feature does not ensure predictability.
Humanitarian Reform seeks to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian response by ensuring greater predictability, accountability and partnership.
To ensure predictability, all aperiodic messages must be included in the bandwidth management calculations.
The sides shall discuss ways to ensure predictability in the development of the U.S.-Soviet strategic relationship under conditions of strategic stability, to reduce the risk of nuclear war.
It also acts as an example of the way in which we aim to bring in changes to the tax system in future to ensure greater predictability, stability and simplicity.
How to ensure transparency and predictability of regulatory and fiscal regimes, and their ability to adapt to fast-changing technologies?
At the same time, we need to ensure predictability for investment planning by the industry.