Its responsibility should be to the administration of the amateur game, the clubs, the schools, the counties, indoor facilities, to ensure maximum participation and enjoyment on a mass scale throughout the country.
Abstain from propaganda against each other, prevent the dissemination of such propaganda in their own countries, and ensure mutual enjoyment by each other's citizens of due process of law.
It's a chance to learn the skills of the game with qualified Rugby Union coaches to lead sessions and ensure everyone's safety and enjoyment.
These are something fun for the younger children, They are smaller and slower ensuring the safety and enjoyment of our youngest generation.
Young or old, going out or staying home for the evening, a glass of Scotch sets the scene, complements the mood, ensures complete enjoyment.never intrusive, always compatible.
Considerable resources and infrastructure are set up at the Jamboree sites to ensure the safety, well-being and enjoyment of all participants.
It must be used in its "best" manner so as to ensure fullest enjoyment (For example, fruits that are normally eaten whole cannot be juiced).
Planning what you can eat when out of your normal routine is vital to ensure enjoyment of food without feeling deprived.
DIR is a system and as such equipment configuration should be considered within the context of the whole philosophy, and the ultimate aims of ensuring safety, efficiency and enjoyment.
Clever use of tableaux and excellent sung and spoken diction (a sine qua non for G&S) ensured total enjoyment.