The breeding projects at the park ensure higher genetic diversity for these beautiful and endangered animals.
Under House Bill 213, institutions of higher education would be required to report each year on their efforts "to ensure and promote intellectual diversity."
In the end, a wide variety of national forces were drawn upon to ensure national diversity.
To ensure diversity among new associates, the study found, elite law firms hire minority lawyers with, on average, much lower grades than white ones.
Fish from each spawn will be taken and held at the station for future broodstock, ensuring genetic diversity.
The housing component of the compromise will ensure diversity and is a clear plus.
He continues to work for judicial election reform that will ensure diversity of the bench.
Measures that ensure diversity, accessibility and opportunity are important components of government's responsibility to its citizens.
Our group wants services ensuring diversity to take priority at all times.
The organization is guided by the following principles in order to ensure diversity and inclusion: