Ten percent of songs are analyzed by more than one technician to ensure conformity with the in-house standards and statistical reliability.
This sharing of expectations about acceptable behaviour ensures conformity.
Nineteenth-century society enforces these conventions, and societal pressure ensures conformity.
Its leadership was supervised by Jesuit theologians, whose office ensured doctrinal conformity.
Certification of a product is an ongoing process that involves follow up factory inspections and retail surveillance to ensure conformity.
The joint declaration on the procedures for ensuring conformity with the review of texts will be welcome.
Further decisive action has to be taken to raise safety and environmental standards and to ensure conformity with the .
This is the fundamental reason for the proposal you have on the table: to ensure conformity with the conclusions of the panels.
They also monitored restaurants and supermarkets to ensure conformity with halal practice.
Test Act: required a religious test of officials to ensure conformity with the established church.