In Jamaica, the majority of enslaved domestic workers in towns were expected to support themselves through prostitution.
There was general agreement that the manifesto correctly anticipated the vagaries of globalization and that its description of enslaved workers would fit the New York immigrants in sweatshops.
Portuguese colonists used to create large sugarcane farms called engenhos, which were dependent on the labor of enslaved workers.
Joseph Sturge became interested in the island of Jamaica and the conditions of its enslaved workers.
These prosecutions have led to freedom for over 1000 enslaved workers in the tomato and orange fields of South Florida.
They smuggle propaganda to enslaved workers, artisans, even our reliable trustees.
His government created an enforcement squad that was empowered to punish those who recruit Brazilians into slavery, and between 1995 and 2002 it freed more than 5,000 enslaved workers.
The primary crop was cotton, grown by enslaved workers.
Pennant owned vast properties in Caernarfonshire and six sugar plantations in Jamaica, where he owned over six hundred enslaved workers.
Free people of color developed as a separate class between the colonial French and Spanish and the enslaved black African workers.