It is very clear from my 16-year experience with enrollment projection that our facilities will be appropriate for growth in the foreseeable future.
Most recently, a deteriorating fiscal situation, shifting demographics, and lower enrollment projections in the district necessitated the closing of another school site.
Based on the proposed state budgets and enrollment projections, Mr. Liebschutz estimated that per-pupil spending in several of the largest states would grow substantially next year.
While annual fluctuations in growth rates are likely, enrollment projections indicate that student population during the next five years will continue its slow and gradual decline.
In addition, Dr. McGuire said, enrollment projections at the time indicated that "the district might never need another facility."
The National Center of Education Statistics provides statistical compendia online, including state-level enrollment projections.
The department's enrollment projections for the year 2003 are 149,179 students, representing a 14.5 percent increase over five years.
Students have been coming to the district is such great numbers that school officials have started adjusting the enrollment projections every six months.
Some residents also question the accuracy of enrollment projections, he said.
Suburban towns faced with surpassing enrollment projections might benefit from Southington's experience.