As enrollment increases, there's not just a need for more classrooms.
This steady enrollment increase continued, until there were 1,200 students by the mid1980s.
Even before the latest enrollment increases were counted, the district was listed as being at 128 percent of capacity.
The hope is that continuing enrollment increases will allow costs to be spread more widely.
In later years, as enrollment increases, it will be moved to a permanent site.
That is an enrollment increase of 15.8 percent from 1989, it said.
The fall of 2010 saw enrollment increase by 3% to bring the whole student population to 319 (203 boarding, 116 day).
Along with the enrollment increase, opportunities to expand the curriculum and programs developed.
Perhaps the county's greatest enrollment increase will be in the Chappaqua system.
But the city's share could amount to more than $150 million as enrollment increases.