My horizon of scientific possibilities has suddenly been enormously extended.
Although new technology has enormously extended the duration of hot-air balloon flights, they consume prodigious quantities of propane fuel, which must be carried in heavy steel tanks.
Far off, through the inconceivably clear air, on the enormously extended horizon, he could see the faint notching of the California mountains.
Miss Trigere points out that the number of combinations can be enormously extended if black pieces were mixed with white.
The beautyof this new devicewas that its curved tip sought outthe stalks of wheat andbrought them to thecutting edge,as if a man's arm had been extended enormously.
The presence of many foreign workers in the Reich and their employment in the armament industry had enormously extended the possibilities for spying and sabotage.
But now, thanks to the machine-civilization, China's means of subsistence had been enormously extended, and there were no famines; her population followed on the heels of the increase in the means of subsistence.
The province of scientifically determined fact has been enormously extended, theoretical knowledge has become vastly more profound in every department of science.
The range of conditions in which life can thrive has been enormously extended in recent years, with the discovery of microbes dwelling near scalding volcanic vents, in radioactive pools and in pitch darkness far underground.
"Your reach can be extended enormously if you reach beyond your own backyard," said Tim Peters, vice president and general manager of Dell's imaging and printing business.