Langdon looked out at the antimatter trap sitting alone on the floor of the enormous tank.
An enormous tank full of honey that is harder to swim through than water and is easier to drown in.
In Sunset Park two girls played quietly in an enormous tank submerged among irises.
Another special feature that strikes the eye here is the enormous tank in which thousand elephants according to local version were swimming at a time.
Brunner fantasises that one day the ocean itself will become one enormous tank for our amusement.
Amanda gasped as an enormous tank came into view, its curved hull bristling with weapons.
The lower floor was an enormous tank of clear water in which numerous hideous Mahars swam lazily up and down.
The shark tank and enormous tank forming the backdrop to the café-restaurant are phenomenal.
The water was provided by gutters directing rain water into an enormous tank on the third floor.
The hull was one enormous tank.