Brilliantly bright, intensely blue oceans and enormous sweeps of clouds so white it almost hurt to look upon them.
The silence, broken only by birds, was unnerving, and so was the enormous sweep of empty land all around the house.
The enormous sweep of the horizon beyond it, though, could only have belonged to the West.
The enormous sweep of the three-hundred-foot-diameter cylinder disappeared from view above their heads to meet with the Hub at some unseen point beyond their field of vision.
"He imagined a film of enormous sweep," she writes.
Near them were the power lifters, recognizable from their gigantic deltoids and the enormous sweep of the lats.
He was a giant, with an enormous sweep of breast and the shoulders of a bull.
Gonzalez paused and looked out his own window, a frame that showed the enormous sweep of mountains that made up the walls of the San Luis Valley.
He left his place, and Hightower held the gap with enormous sweeps of his blade, swinging a morning star with his left hand.
Victoria Peak would feel an enormous sweep of relief the moment he reached the sterile house with his news.