Bud said excitedly, looking down at an enormous spaceship, dwarfing all the others.
The enormous spaceship looked like a huge silver cube caged within spherical rails.
From a dead start and an unfavourable position, the enormous spaceship managed to gain in a few seconds almost the same speed as the little destroyer.
The Koolhaas blocks look like enormous reptilian spaceships, but inside the central courtyard each unit has a small, luminous garden foyer.
The next instant, an enormous spaceship had matched our velocity less than a mile away.
It's the story of a Fourth July weekend when the world wakes up to find enormous spaceships hovering over its capitals.
These enormous spaceships are the "major cargo carrier of the Spacing Guild's transportation system."
The Gravis intends to transform Frontios into an enormous spaceship.
Then you round a corner and, as if out of nowhere, there it is: this enormous spaceship staring down at you with stern, alert eyes.
"From their formerly cloaked enormous spaceship," said the engineer.