The City section's plea for urban haiku, offered two weeks ago, continues to draw an enormous response.
The maiden edition received an enormous response from across the country.
In the hours and days immediately after the first shock, there was an enormous response and solidarity among the city population of 18 million people.
The initial announcement of the project, before an offering plan was approved for selling, evoked an enormous public response.
He says he has received an enormous response.
Even with the higher caps, Delta said it had had an enormous response.
It also requires an enormous response from the department.
Envisioned by acclaimed designers in Korea, the new interior concept has triggered enormous response from local customers.
The ability to grow billions of T-cells "provides you will an enormous immune response, much greater than can be grown naturally in the body."
This invitation received an enormous response and a campaign took off spectacularly, becoming a nationwide movement within a week.