Suddenly, everyone is knocked over by a loud crash, and enormous footprints have destroyed the Witch's garden, sparing only a few beans.
But most disturbing of all are the enormous bare footprints leading off into the snow.
They find an enormous footprint, leading the socialite to run away.
Among many other observations about flora, fauna, and native inhabitants related in his lengthy book, Bonaventure claimed to have seen enormous footprints in the region.
The better mousetrap was now a rather nice two-dimensional design, squashed into the middle of an enormous footprint.
Once the tread marks were accompanied by what appeared to be enormous footprints, as if some unimaginable two-legged beast had been following the vehicles.
With pigs and poultry, they form a critical part of our enormous biological footprint upon this planet.
It was an enormous footprint.
Patterson chose the area because of intermittent reports of the creatures in the past and of their enormous footprints near there since 1958.
The mysterious thief leaves only a few clues behind - enormous footprints, enormous glove prints, a strange criss-cross mark on the ground, and two torn pieces of paper.