And America's enormous expenditures do not buy health care for some 37 million uninsured citizens, most of whom work or are dependents of workers.
Britain, after what for those days was an enormous expenditure of blood and treasure, whipped Napoleon in 1815.
Moreover, we would save the enormous expenditure of time, money and personnel required to submit every felony charge to a grand jury.
The whole process probably involves an enormous expenditure of energy.
Scientists had to justify their enormous expenditures with reams of speculative papers.
These children generally have profound physical and developmental disabilities requiring enormous expenditures throughout their lives.
'There was simply a hope that somehow in the future things would get better because of this enormous expenditure.'
However, relaying the track may not be possible now as the modification will need enormous expenditure.
Despite those enormous expenditures, the performance is far short of official goals, and in some cases seems to be declining further.
We paid with 40 years of enormous and otherwise unnecessary military expenditures.