I could not help being amazed at his enormous bulk, even folded up as he was.
Dravig had followed them into the room, although his enormous bulk almost filled it.
Without another word, he swept from the room, moving with astonishing grace for one of his enormous bulk.
Sweat broke from his enormous bulk and added to the steam in the small, hot quarter.
But he turned his enormous bulk and, with eyes that stars could be lost in, sought among the myriad worlds for a flat one.
The chair actually creaked beneath him as he settled his enormous bulk.
Behind him, moving quietly down the stone steps despite their enormous bulk, came two more Sshoush-shin.
It appears to me a miracle of miracles that our enormous bulk is not swallowed up at once and for ever.
The ridge is an enormous bulk of ice and rock.
He stared instead at the enormous bulk of the red planet hanging overhead.