Most of them have no previous executive experience, as members of the business side enjoy reminding one another while busy with scotch and tee during company conferences.
Every day is a good Day, a Zen Buddhist saying, was one they as a group enjoyed reminding each other of.
Lloyd enjoys reminding everyone that they can be sued for even the most minor offenses.
How she enjoyed reminding me I had lost Beau again.
You know, I think I'll enjoy reminding you about this conversation.
A subway train, as Mr. Samel enjoyed reminding the jury, has no steering wheel.
Things were politically difficult for many of them during the Iran-Iraq war, so they enjoy reminding officials that Bahrain was among Iraq's most ardent supporters.
He enjoys reminding us how Henley was broug to the point where he could take it over.
Krug enjoys reminding his guests, though, that what they see today is merely the bottom third of the ultimate structure.
In later years, Forte enjoyed reminding people that he had beaten out Chamberlain for an award.