These days, locals stand at the bar for coffee or aperitivo and sit at the tables to enjoy their selection from the daily €10 lunch buffet.
Blake Morrison enjoys Christopher Reid's magnificent and revealing selection from the letters of Ted Hughes.
You won't need any additional software to enjoy our great selection of free movie scripts.
In 1984, the company began to present and commission new plays by Hispanic-American playwrights and in 1991 inaugurated an infrared simultaneous translation system which provides an opportunity for non-Spanish speaking audiences to enjoy the company's vast selection of plays.
So, sit back with a glass of eggnog, a turkey sandwich, heck, even a cheeky mince pie and enjoy our selection of festive comedy fayre.
I really hope you enjoy this week's selection of sounds.
Please enjoy your selection and your day.
We hope you enjoy your selection and look forward to serving you again.
My daughter enjoys their children's selection and they have a good collection on alternatives in education.
I especially enjoyed the author's observation of "palm trees with hairstyles like Rod Stewart"; his tale of a hand surgeon who erected a Norman castle in Laurel Canyon; and his selection of local details, such as a billboard that says, "Wilderness Taxidermy of Glendale.