But Ruth noticed something interesting - her daughter enjoyed imagining the dolls in grown-up scenarios and not as infants.
The general public would enjoy imagining what the young royal couple must be doing in their opulent bedchambers, and no one would ask questions for a while.
I used to enjoy imagining what the trees would look like as forest, the man-spoiled land reclaimed by man-assisted nature.
It was an absurd notion, but one that Cadderly enjoyed imagining nonetheless.
Kyaren hadn't'enjoyed imagining Josif making love with a man, but that much, at least, had been impossible for Josif not to talk about.
He grew up in what is often referred to in the program as a nationalist settlement and enjoyed imagining broader borders for the Jewish state.
And Snibril thought that Jornarileesh was the sort who'd enjoy imagining them waiting for him, wondering about how it was all going to end.
She says she enjoyed imagining being on an island.
But I enjoy imagining the country songs that might go with squirrels, or the kind of aria a dragonfly might sing.
They would find out, she thought grimly, and enjoyed imagining their grief and their pride in her deeds.