Q. Do you enjoy discovering a new artist more than presenting a retrospective of an established artist?
I enjoyed discovering another culture . . . and yet these people look like us, like anybody you could meet on the D train.
Explorers ("Spades") generally enjoy discovering the best methods of optimization, but may be more interested in continued experimentation than in consistently applying those methods.
"The idea," said Len Hunt, vice president of Audi America, "is to let customers enjoy discovering the model on their own."
"I spent a year as a sort of amanuensis to Bowles, and I found that I greatly enjoyed discovering the music."
I always enjoy discovering an area of the arts that I had not known well before.
They enjoy discovering wines from unexpected places and little-known vineyards, and like wines that don't necessarily break the bank.
I enjoyed discovering the poetry of Ronald Wallace, a local writer who described memory as "God's best punch line."
He told the photographer Henning Stegmüller, "I enjoy discovering myself.
He believes "children will enjoy discovering Nimbus Littling's past at their own pace, and in their own way."