On Web sites and Internet chat rooms, testimonials praise the drug as everything from a personal growth tool to a means to enhance sexual sensitivity.
To enhance sensitivity for these conditions, the scan may be performed in both inspiration and expiration.
Molecular methods such as PCR are predicted to enhance sensitivity further.
Ms. Keller still conducts story hours at libraries and camps that enhance sensitivity between sighted and blind children.
One approach to enhance sensitivity in microarrays, using a novel signal amplification technique, has recently been reported [ 7 ] .
This enhances sensitivity in low light conditions, such as nocturnal and deep sea species, by giving photons a second chance to be captured by photoreceptors.
The central idea of the Melanin theory is that the levels of melanin in dark skin naturally enhance intelligence and emotional, psychic and spiritual sensitivity.
CA27.29 has enhanced sensitivity and specificity and has therefore surpassed CA15-3 as a serum tumor marker.
Molecular methods such as PCR hold promise to further enhance sensitivity (487).
The extrusion of the glans clitoridis and thinning of the skin enhances sensitivity to physical contact.