Kodak announced last week its most recent reorganization, an effort to cut costs and enhance digital operations, which now account for 80 percent of revenue.
The following year a $100 million capital improvement was begun at Evadale to further enhance operations there.
The increase in both accuracy and reliability will significantly enhance operations while reducing non-operational periods due to weather or adversarial efforts.
The 5000 series use technologies such as AC traction equipment that will enhance operations and maintenance and provide a smoother, more comfortable ride.
Equip coaches with electro-pneumatic brake systems to enhance safe operations at 160-180 km/h.
Manage projects for which Financial Operations Group has lead responsibility, including information technology projects to enhance fiscal operations.
The exercise was conducted to enhance cohesive operations between multinational forces and hone air-to-ground combat skills.
The operator may select various functions, pulse lengths, range scales and other modes to enhance operations for the particular conditions.
Technical knowledge gained was incorporated into the mission plan to enhance procedures and operations.
This dam was built in 1877 to control the water levels of Fairy and Peninsula Lakes to enhance navigation and logging operations.