The first engraved illustrations of the Greek Doric order dated to the mid-18th century.
Theodorus de Bry created a large number of engraved illustrations for his books.
The Wild Turkey label carries a vividly printed, seemingly engraved illustration of its namesake.
The report, illustrated by engraved illustrations and the personal accounts of mineworkers was published in May 1842.
His son Johannes Glauber probably helped him with his engraved illustrations.
Oh, for the good old days when books were books, meaty texts on robust paper with engraved illustrations and fine bindings.
By the end of the seventeenth century, the book had gone through six editions, including one published in 1678 with large engraved illustrations.
Buonarroti provided some of the engraved illustrations and in 1724 he published a commentary on the work.
This engraved illustrations and published in 1727.
This has similarities to plate 20 of the engraved illustrations, but it is unclear whether the print was directly based upon it.