He turned to see that, still seated at the engineering workstation, Data had turned away from the console and now sat motionless in his chair.
It may be Japan's most electronically equipped school, with about 700 engineering workstations, enough to provide one to each student.
This would be implemented on personal computers or engineering workstations which have been configured with appropriate peripheral devices.
However, the most interesting systems from a technology point of view are those that are migrating off the engineering workstation and onto the personal computer.
However, the software was targeted more towards engineering workstations.
Aside from a few robots he had whipped up for his own use, Mikey had never touched his engineering workstation.
(Serial interfaces, common on engineering workstations, were the other method.)
Mr. Kuninobu and a few dozen young computer engineers have been working up a new line of engineering workstations.
Intergraph designs and manufactures interactive computer graphics systems, including engineering workstations and applications software.
For example, users of Unix, an operating system used in engineering workstations and bigger machines, have a choice of several user interfaces.