The tyres give up the ghost early and soon after the accompanying engineer reminds you that you are driving a priceless engineering prototype.
First 10 weeks or so of chips have ceramic packages (these usually appear on engineering prototypes but a few are on sold machines), the rest have plastic packages.
Also, the machines shipped as wire-wrapped engineering prototypes requiring individual attention from more than usually competent site personnel, and thus had significant reliability problems.
An engineering validation test (EVT) is performed on first engineering prototypes, to ensure that the basic unit performs to design goals and specifications.
A handful of engineering prototypes for the MJPEG daughterboard exist, but none actually function.
The AIM-9X program made extensive use of engineering prototypes to stabilize the missile's design before building production representative prototypes.
Couriers carried important people, emergency supplies, engineering prototypes, irreplaceable documents.
Rocket was an engineering prototype, and had not been equipped with brakes.
The engineering prototype used the world's first microprocessor to have ever been produced.
The motion controller was revealed at Sony's E3 2009 press conference on 2 June 2009, with a live demonstration using an engineering prototype.