It takes some engineering know-how and people that are aware of the safety implications.
Global competency is essential for engineers from any country who now compete in an international market for engineering know-how.
His chum Charlie Price provided the engineering know-how to help get some of the battered old relics going.
The emphasis at Techfest 2006 was on technology and its applications rather than just engineering know-how.
Miller, with that deadly combination of computer expertise and engineering know-how?
The campaign will present the company as one that combines German engineering know-how and American creativity, according to company executives.
Tozzoli knew that the Port Authority had the money and the engineering know-how.
The former managing, building and running the business, while the latter providing the engineering "know-how" and technical support.
They have the advantage of using existing (and reliable) engineering know-how, but they are limited to relatively shallow waters (about 20 to 40 m depth).
"One of those projects was using our engineering know-how to come up with novel biofuels."