Ah yes the BBC's great social engineering experiment.
This has always made me uncomfortable, the notion that they represent some huge leap on the athletic evolutionary chain, the genetic engineering experiment of their father, Richard.
There were four engineering experiments:
Other researchers began to suspect that they were up to something they shouldn't be- genetic engineering experiments, strictly forbidden by Federation law, was the rumor.
Stanley Cohen, Paul Berg and Herbert Boyer made what would be one of the first genetic engineering experiments, in 1973.
"Natural genetic engineering experiments may have been occurring in bacterial populations for eons."
She served in engineering experiments until 14 June 1940.
They were created in a genetic engineering experiment to help power the Locks, ancient devices that control the psiberweb.
A member of the Special Forces paranormal squad, the Ghostwalkers, tries to save the victim of a genetic engineering experiment in the bayou country.
The 1970s saw the first genetic engineering experiments, in which scientists learned to manipulate proteins, cells, and simple organisms at the DNA level.