By 1973, the two engineers successfully produced a functional prototype.
With the help of computer-aided design, architects and engineers increasingly produce plans, drawings and other construction documents on computers.
The genetic engineers had been able to tamper with a human embryo, to combine elements in a test tube and produce crossbreeds.
The engineer can then produce a lengthy written description of the product's functions, which should be essentially the same as the manufacturer's original specifications.
When other engineers later produced cheaper solutions, Cudworth preferred to stick with his own design rather than change.
And his engineers are producing another product, partly refined glycerin, at the Olestra plant.
Maybe, for instance, some genetic engineers could produce incredibly stupid fish.
Genetic engineers can produce these objects cheaply by directing the cheap and efficient molecular machinery inside living organisms to do the work.
The engineer who made those calculations figured on 13,000 tons of residential waste produced by the city's residents per day.
The engineers worked together efficiently and produced cutting-edge engineering technology that resulted in immediate profits for Studebaker.