In this, we are asked to imagine that engineers have invented a tiny computer that simulates the action of an individual neuron.
That night, the engineers invented their own test of hard knocks.
The Pentagon's scientists and engineers, starting four decades ago, invented the systems that became the Internet.
"An engineer could not have invented this," Winsness says.
In the 11th century, Chinese inventors and engineers invented the first mechanical clocks driven by an escapement mechanism.
To produce attractive yields when interest rates are at or near bottom, financial engineers have invented some high-tech issues.
A self-taught engineer, with his brother Charles he invented the first automobile speedometer, which made him rich.
To solve this production problem, Johnson and the company's engineers invented a new type of telescope, the Celestron 8, in 1970.
An engineer, he invented a number of safety signals, some of which are still in common usage.
No human engineer would ever have invented it.