The first integrated circuit logic gates cost nearly $50 (in 1960 dollars, when an engineer earned $10,000/year).
These managers and engineers could not earn their keep in today's competitive world.
Mechanical, electrical and industrial engineers will earn from $33,493 to $35,713 a year.
Taiwan's engineers still earn only a third to one-half the comparable wage in the United States.
India's young engineers are earning salaries unimaginable in their parents' day.
An engineer or conductor who is eager to work all the overtime the company offers can earn as much as $90,000 a year, he said.
The engineers earned not only Makuraner silver but also Videssian gold.
Freshly hired from universities, the company's engineers earn $4,600 to $7,600 a year, with few costly benefits.
Under a contract signed last year with the railroad, the unionized engineers earn $27.43 an hour, or about $57,000 a year without overtime.
Black doctors, teachers and engineers earn 20 to 25 percent less than whites.