The engineer applied the brakes, and the wheels emitted their metallic screaming.
In his attempt to stop prior to leaving the train, the engineer had applied the locomotive's brake.
Twenty miles farther on, the engineer of the Limited applied the brakes in response to a signal which he saw.
So in the meantime, the two engineers applied their skill to tools at the other end of the food service spectrum: hunting gear.
The engineer applied the brakes but could not avoid hitting her, transit officials said.
The engineer saw the doomed automobile and applied the air brakes.
An Amtrak spokesman said the engineer had seen the child and applied the emergency brakes but was unable to stop in time.
The Flyer's engineer immediately applied the emergency brakes but too late.
The engineers applied existing computer technology to videotape.
When the company had announced the positions, only one engineer had applied for the twelve jobs.