Five years later it employed 350 people and engine production had reached 450,000 units a year.
In 1911 engine production commenced, but sales were slow until 1913 when the first two-stroke was produced.
Some of the biggest economies of scale are found these days in engine production.
One of the company's challenges is to match year-round boat and engine production with mostly seasonal sales.
Both these faults were fixed within 2 years of the engine starting production and the Td5 is now considered highly reliable.
The latter type formed the majority of hot-bulb engine production.
In 1882, after producing 2,649 engines, the atmospheric engine production was discontinued.
These modifications are likely to reduce complexity and cost of engine production.
Work dried up when Renault moved their engine production in-house.
The problems were ameliorated when Wright took over engine production in 1954.