Lockheed felt the new engine would offer a distinct advantage over the otherwise similar DC-10 product.
Although the engines offered great power, they were notoriously hot and uneconomical for fuel.
They no longer manufacture engines but provide spares and offer a service to maintain those they made.
The speed, climb, performance, and reliability that the engine offered revolutionized American aviation.
The new engine also offers much longer service intervals, up from 4,000 to 6,000 miles.
The engine allowed about 7 minutes of powered flight, but offered such tremendous performance that they could fly right by the defending fighters.
Its engines were fairly economical but offered little in the way of performance.
The engine, placed at the top of the ship, offers an unconventional aspect for this spaceship.
The new engine offered better drivability and felt stronger than its 10-horse increase suggested.
For comparison, typical engines of the era offered pressure ratios on the order of 3.5:1.