You ignore a mountain of available data that show smaller companies have indeed been the engine of job creation.
President Clinton had also stressed that small businesses needed special incentives because they were the main engine of job creation.
Access to group rates is particularly important for small business owners, who are the primary engine of job creation in this country.
Small businesses are the engine of job creation in America.
Small businesses are America's engines of job creation, responsible for 65% of new jobs.
We already know that small enterprises have been the main engine of job creation over the last decade.
For the last 30 years, they were the engines of economic growth and job creation, as corporate office parks grew in the region's outer ring.
During that call, we also shared our views on how small businesses are the engine of job creation.
Small businesses are the engines of job creation and essential to strengthening our national economy.
Small businesses are the primary engine of job creation and job growth across the country.