The two things working in favor of diesel engines are better fuel economy and longer engine life.
The turbines run cooler in this design since more mass passes through them, leading to a longer engine life and higher reliability.
It does not properly heat the fuel oil to the necessary 180 F needed to ensure long engine life.
The V6 displayed only 10% shorter overall engine life.
The rule concerning extending engine life has also angered some teams.
Since pure biodiesel leaves no deposits of its own, this results in increased engine life.
In the first year of production, the oil filter was considered an option, although not having it led to significantly shorter engine life.
Instead of enhancing engine life and economy, users might shorten their car's life.
A competition was allegedly held, with a prize to the first unit that could achieve an engine life of twenty-five flying hours.
This is generally dealt with quickly since failed oil seals will reduce the engine life.