But wouldn't it be nice to know exactly how long you could expect your car or truck's engine to last?
Although produced for heavy work during war-time, few engines lasted through the 1950s, and most were scrapped in that decade.
In fact, there are several easy ways to modify your driving habits to make sure your engine will last a long time.
These engines last a long time.
Hardened valve seats helped allow these engines to last much longer than the earlier versions, even without the protection previously provided by lead from fuel.
A properly tuned engine will last a long time with good performance throughout its life.
Their engines generated 750 horsepower, cost $75,000 each and typically lasted only one race.
The engine lasted through the 2003 model year, after which it was discontinued.
According to the Penske camp, the engine still hasn't lasted 500 miles in test runs.
The engine will last about 120 000 km to 130 000 km.