A layer of radar-absorbent material has been applied to the engine inlets and the front stages of the engine compressor, halving the Su-35's frontal radar cross-section (RCS).
Low-pressure air compressor (cabin air conditioning), where this is not provided by tapping engine compressor bleed air.
Still the engine compressors were stalled, with EGT going to the red lines and RPM dropping below 85 percent.
This maintained shock pressures while slowing the air until a Mach 1 shock wave formed in front of the engine compressor.
The backside of this "normal" shock wave was subsonic air for ingestion into the engine compressor.
During an unstart, air flow through the engine compressor immediately stopped, thrust dropped, and exhaust gas temperatures rose.
The air brakes are driven by an engine powered compressor which also feeds the servo for the hydraulic brake cicuit.
Two were lost to engine compressor stalls after ingesting excessive propellant gases from the cannons.
The instrument panel also showed an engine compressor working at only 90 percent of its efficiency, and the captain thought he saw a red light flicker from the instrument panel.