This is a welcome tool for quickly whittling down a search that other engines don't approach quite as successfully.
But supporters of the M-1 note that its engine is substantially quieter than traditional gasoline or diesel power plants, and can therefore approach an enemy closely.
In an engine with a cycle approaching the "ideal cycle", the cycle rate might have to be reduced to address these issues.
On 6 May 1859 the engine of the 7.25 p.m. train from Plymouth was approaching St Germans when it left the rails, hit the parapet of the viaduct and fell into the mud below, landing upside down.
Funding ran out with the fall of the Soviet state, but the designers are convinced the engine has potential and have approached several parties for additional funding.
They shouted "An engine is approaching, take care gentlemen" to those people-including Huskisson-standing on the tracks.
We produce annually, two hundred and eight thousand engines, in fact that's now approaching two hundred and fifty thousand engines.
The test was concluded prior to any failure and test results showed the engine was not approaching failure either.
Our sensors are saying that the engines are approaching the overload point.
The designation appears to be present because the engine approaches the projected specifications of the new AL-41F class.