The indictment charges that the men engaged in a racketeering conspiracy to create illegal tax losses through fraudulent tax deals.
It is unfortunate that we still need to engage in battles to create peace throughout the world.
Neither they nor any other respectable scientist would engage in reproductive cloning to create a human baby.
Female bonobos have been observed to engage in sexual activities to create bonds with dominate bonobos.
He engaged in the campaigns to create and retain the City of Ypsilanti's non-discrimination ordinance (1997-1998).
Filmmaker, Linda Hattendorf, took an interest and began to engage with him to create a documentary of his life.
The league engaged I.B.M. to create a system to enter statistics into a computer and make them accessible almost immediately.
Fischer engaged wholeheartedly in the exchanges at moves 8-10 to create the kind of classical pressure against the black queenside that emerged after his 12 Qa4.
Isn't an offensive lineman supposed to engage a defender to create a hole for the running back, or to keep him off the quarterback?