They spread out to engage the human fleet.
At last it appeared certain that the small ships could completely engage the Solarian fleet!
"Your ships haven't engaged the Terran fleet for months."
They later engaged the Japanese fleet in what would become the Battle of the Yellow Sea.
The allies had engaged the Persian fleet this day, inconclusively, but without buckling.
Troubridge was instructed 'not to get seriously engaged with superior forces', once again intended as a warning against engaging the Austrian fleet.
He had orders to engage and destroy the Russian fleet if it came out.
Cambiaso quickly decided to engage the fleet and after a combination of manoeuvres the enemy succumbed.
In 1790 he engaged the Turkish fleet in Kafirea, defeating it.
Conversely, the captain of Jingyuen kept his distance from combat, and refused to engage the Japanese fleet.