With no player customizations, everyone was an "Edison Trent" and unable to engage each other on a personal level.
Branford was the loose one, self-deprecating, funny, the one with the smile and the willingness to engage on a less serious level.
Brighton festival has always been in the theatre and music tradition," he says, "so I was excited to engage with it on a visual level.
The case engaged the court on an emotional level that had been missing from the cases parsing the finer points of Social Security law.
But the discussion has yet to engage architecture on a serious level.
"Dean's been the only candidate so far who has been comfortable with engaging on a personal level," this aide said.
Even as the plot grips and holds you, the performances engage you on a darker, deeper level.
He also lowered his voice, leaned forward more, and engaged the prisoner in debate on a new level.
"He had a keen ear for dialogue, a wonderful sense of situation and a theme that has always engaged me on a basic level."
Try to engage them on a level where they see the value of sexuality.