Mass media outlets where heat has always sold more than light may not believe that creatively engaging on substance can expand their audience.
Like Ms. Moore, Mr. Terry creatively engages the music that has inspired him.
In this spirit, Ovid engages creatively with his predecessors, alluding creatively to the full spectrum of classical poetry.
Although I sailed through O-Level I never took maths any further and I never engaged creatively in the process of doing mathematics.
This includes projects that creatively engage new and networked technologies or reflect on the impact of these tools and media.
But I find that when I start to engage creatively, all my creative juices get stirred up and start to excite each other.
The process of collaborative directing is often frustrating at first, but allows students to engage with each other creatively.
Like many other high schools, White Plains High School continues to creatively engage students for four full years of strong academics.
It should surprise no one that people who spend their days creatively engaged with food have found their own way of responding to events.
Such cultural interventions have often been realised in response to creatively engaging a community's sense of 'place' or 'well-being' in society.