These regulations will be the first enforceable Federal rules protecting health privacy.
American companies have a big stake in the establishment of enforceable rules in these areas.
Mrs. Dole said it would take years of study before any enforceable rules could be established.
Mr. James said the department had reason to hesitate to turn the 1999 proposal into a final, enforceable rule.
The various regional circuits determined that forming a league, with enforceable rules, would mitigate these problems.
But enforceable rules have not been created.
Slovakia wants strong, automatic, enforceable rules to ensure fiscal discipline.
Businesses and consumers are waiting for unequivocal, simple, enforceable rules that will enhance online business culture in the European market.
It needs clear and enforceable rules within the new comitology.
Instead we must be more cautious and demand strict and, above all, enforceable rules, because the fundamental problem in this area is enforcement.