I mean, he's shown himself to be more than a clever adventurer; he's established the legend of a heroic kingship, he's accepted as a law-giver, and powerful enough to enforce new customs.
Among these reforms was the deputizing of the Royal Navy's Sea Officers to help enforce customs laws in colonial ports.
Amerindian communities have legal autonomy to enforce their own traditional laws and customs.
ICE plays an integral role in developing the government-wide anti-kleptocracy strategy due to the agency's expertise in investigating international money laundering and enforcing customs and immigration law.
In 1790, Congress authorized the Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, to create a maritime service to enforce customs laws (1 Stat.
For example, judges will enforce tribal customs pertaining to marriage and divorce.
By the mid-1930s as Japan's empire was reaching its zenith, the colonial government began a political socialization program designed to enforce Japanese customs, rituals and a loyal Japanese identity upon the aborigines.
Tampa operates primarily in the littoral waters of the United States and throughout the Caribbean to ensure homeland security and enforce immigration, fisheries, customs, and environmental laws, along with the more visible drug interdiction laws.
Denmark ceded Skåneland to Sweden by the Treaty of Roskilde in 1658, and from 1683 forward, the Swedish government enforced Swedish customs and laws in the former Danish provinces.
BSOs are designated peace officers, and primarily enforce customs and immigration-related legislation, in particular the Customs Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act as well as over 90 other Acts of Parliament.