We agree that legal actions to enforce copyrights in visual images are expensive for individual creators, just as any access to our court system is costly.
Many developing nations, for example, want more time before they enforce copyrights, an alien concept in many parts of the world.
Unauthorised "pirate" productions quickly sprang up in America, taking advantage of the fact that American courts did not enforce foreign copyrights.
However, individual countries may choose to enforce copyrights for longer periods.
Why not begin with pressure on China to enforce copyrights?
The internet does not exist to enforce copyrights.
A 1978 international agreement enforces copyrights from the date of creation until 50 years after the creator's death.
Finally she urged Turkey to enforce copyrights effectively and so to stop brand piracy.
However, most analysts had expected Intel to file suit because the company has been very aggressive in trying to enforce patents and copyrights.
We should make sure the Courthouse doors remain open to those who attempt to enforce copyrights against blatant infringers.