This further punctured Vichy's will-power (and legitimacy) in enforcing thorough economic control over agricultural production.
In the past, the authorities have enforced especially tight political control around June 4, the anniversary of the 1989 crackdown on the Beijing democracy movement.
There are also village militia units that enforce local control and can be mobilized as a reserve.
Legislation was passed enforcing stricter control of the opium dens and brothels in the 1890s were a factor as well.
The Parliament assumes legislative work and enforces parliamentary control.
In such societies there is seldom a need to enforce indirect social control, due to a direct sense of loyalty an individual feels for gemeinschaft.
But in the long intervals, during which there was no attempt to enforce political control, regular relations were maintained along the lines of trade and barter.
However, these increasingly centralized and expensive units only enforce control over a very narrow range of public or 'street visible' acts of social disorder.
China's eagerness to enforce political control seemed to gain priority over its desire to assure Hong Kong's continued economic dynamism.
As briefly defined above, the means to enforce social control can be either informal or formal.