Governor Moore energetically supported the Confederate war effort.
His newspapers energetically supported the New Deal throughout 1933 and 1934.
The dominant political figure in Massachusetts during the war was Governor John Albion Andrew, a staunch Republican who energetically supported the war effort.
At the same time, he energetically supported the special interests of his region.
Somalia's transitional government is energetically supporting the plan for African peacekeepers and seems to have won over military leaders in Kenya.
Prior to 1933, Klausener energetically supported the police battle against unlawful National Socialist activities.
David energetically supported Tamar's expansionist policy and was responsible for Georgia's military successes in a series of conflicts of those years.
We therefore energetically support any effort to suppress the trade in products which are not strictly certified to involve no exploitation of women and, especially, children.
This is why the European Parliament must energetically support Mr Tobin's idea to introduce global taxes on capital movements.
Antebellum Governor Andrew B. Moore energetically supported the Confederate war effort.