The core collapse phase of a supernova is an extremely dense and energetic event.
That collision, shown on the right, may be the most energetic event since the big bang.
Gamma-ray bursts are some of the most energetic events observed in the universe, but their origin was entirely speculative until around the year 2000.
Supernovae are the most dramatic type of cataclysmic variable, being some of the most energetic events in the universe.
Flares are impulsive phenomena, of average duration of 15 minutes, even if the most energetic events can last several hours.
Hydrogen's lone electron normally resides in the ground state, but various energetic events can move it to higher states.
Astronomers have released the clearest picture yet of this collision, one of the most energetic events in the universe after the Big Bang.
If so, that presumably rules out some of the provisional theories accounting for the bursts, which appear to be the most energetic events in the universe.
What really interests me, however, is the actual physical experience of jealousy and the internal energetic events which create this experience.
Relatively speaking, phase transitions can be truly energetic events.