An energetic and technically gifted band, Blueridge play straight-ahead bluegrass with modern attitude and energy.
On recordings, this has always been a polished, energetic band, and for the most part it lived up to the reputation those discs have created.
Although they are only two man on stage, Urlaub in Polen have built themselves a reputation as a highly energetic live band.
The band developed a reputation for being one of the most energetic charismatic American bands, both on stage and record.
The band have a reputation as a extremely energetic live band - and for regularly destroying their equipment.
This was the movement launched by a small but energetic band of visionaries in favour of the economic and political unity of Europe.
As trio they performed the first live concert in London at the rock club Infinity and was a total success, distinguishing themselves as a very chaotic and energetic band.
It's a studious, energetic and reinterpretive band, a bit like what jazz-repertory orchestras aim for these days.
Ms. Wash and her energetic band did best when turning away from dance music altogether.
The ability to see these young, energetic bands in small (sometimes confining!)