The Shedding is followed by a period of particularly energetic activity.
Generally, your nature is much too primesautière* as the French say; you want either passionate, energetic activity or nothing.
Now imagine the whole star swelling up, perhaps as a result of a surge of energetic activity in its heart.
"Let's just say that our experiences with the Council didn't lead us to expect such energetic activity."
Late afternoon and early morning are the best times to sight wildlife, so other times tend to be for less energetic activities.
Most of these have emission lines and are interesting because of their energetic activity.
She felt remarkably refreshed, given her energetic activities during the night.
This leads to unpredictable behavior, such as sadness while doing a favorite activity or feeling very energetic.
For nearly forty years, he maintained his energetic activities as author, theatre director and government inspector.
Thinly spread but energetic activities of consolidation met his eye wherever he turned.